Jul 07, 2024 | Darryl Eidt | 50 views
U9 update
The S.Elliott Masonry Ltd U9 girls fastball team are still looking for their first win of the season.
Against Seaforth Blue the Hornets lost a close game 4-0. Olivia Eidt and Emma Elliott made good defensive plays to get outs. Amellia Valiance took the mound for the first time this season and pitched a scoreless inning. In Blyth, Mitchell scored their first runs of the season breaking a scoreless game in third inning. Madison Ahrens, Valiance and Brooklyn Smith all scored runs. Esme Bakewell had two hits in the game. But unfortunately Blyth battled back for a 5-3 win. Against Seaforth Blue again, Maria Marshall had her best game of the year with a spectacular play at shortstop for an unassisted out at second base and had a base hit. Lilah Payne-McCleary and Ahrens were the only Hornets to get hits in a 7-0 loss.